They ask for experience to give you work and you need work to gain experience

Join foilo community and connect with individuals to build your career portfolio, by working on non-occupational yet exciting projects.

collaborative developers

Why Join Folio?

why folio?

We believe that everyone, including those who are not yet gainfully employed, or are not well exposed to meaningful projects in the corporate world, deserve a shot in working on and bringing meaningful ideas and projects to life.

Folio fills this gap by creating an opportunity for individuals to work on non-occupational yet exciting projects, to help develop their skills and build up their portfolios. Individuals can share their work samples from a project anywhere and with anyone as there are no non-disclosure agreements.

Learn interesting skills

working on exciting projects with others. Discover talents you never knew you had and use them to bring ideas to life.

Building your CV/portfolio

while working on exciting products, you are also building up your leadership, teamwork and technical skills.

Strategically prepare

Brace yourself for projects in the corporate world. With Folio, be rest assured you would do great at it.

How Folio Works


Individuals add/pick ideas from the Folio to work on with other individuals.


Ideas become projects and individuals get to pick a role to perform in the project. Roles can include business development, graphics design, software development, project management, content writing, research and insight and others.


All individuals have to work together on the project and can come up with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).


All individuals have to work together on the project and can come up with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Learn . Build . Prepare . Have fun

You need experience to get work, the problem is you need work to gain experience. Join foilio and gain real work experience working on interesting real world projects